Be Present, Be Intentional

Christmas Blog 2021:

 Be Present, Be Intentional

 Be Still and Know that I am God is a verse found in Psalms 46. This verse personally speaks to me. It tells me not to be so busy, not to be overloaded with thoughts, not to be preoccupied by lingering tasks, but to be still and know that my father is God. My Father is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords is with me always and desires for me to be present with him. In his presence I am awed. However, if one does not take the time to pay attention and be present in mind and heart one could easily miss all of this.

 My focus word this Christmas season is intentional. Be present and be intentional with all of my words, my actions and my deeds. This is the time of the year I need to slow down and let those around me know how much I really love them and how my life is so blessed by their presence. And just as I appreciate the time my grown children take out of their busy schedules to be with me, I need to do the same for my Heavenly Father.

 My husband asked me the other day what I wanted for Christmas, I replied I have all I need. Through my life I have grown, matured and I am happy (most days) with the person that I have become. Even just a few years ago I would have voiced a lengthy list with all the “must have gifts.” Please do not misunderstand me, I enjoy gifts and love the appreciation and the meaning behind those gifts. What I truly desire is for all my family to be together, laughing, remembering, watching our favorite movies and football bowl games, keeping our rich Christmas traditions alive and making new ones. That is what brings and keeps meaning and joy in my life.

In today’s world there are so many distractions, so many roadblocks. Please do not let that interfere with the real meaning of Christmas. Our Father wants us to spend time with him, and we need to honor Jesus for his earthly sacrifice that brought us eternal life. Take some time, read a meaningful devotional and open your heart and talk with your Father. He provides such amazing peace and will remove such heavy burdens. He tells us his load is light, unburden yourself and truly enjoy the birth of our Savior during this special Christmas season.

 Merry, Merry Christmas!

Stacey Mell Eds, APC


All Things New 2022


The Busyness of Christmas