The Busyness of Christmas

Christmas is such a festive and cheerful time of year. However, it can also become markedly overscheduled! Shopping, parties, caroling, card-writing, traveling and Christmas programming are just a few of the myriad activities that must get worked into the already busy schedules of our lives. While these events are fun, they often also bring with them a good deal of fussing and fretting. What if this year you take time to slow down?

The day-to-day grind of working, managing family life and still trying to find a spare moment to do some forgotten self-care is the norm on most days of the year. Why not make an intentional effort to focus on what the most important things are and spend time accordingly this Christmas season. The season does not need to be lonely in order to achieve more of an overdue reprieve from the hustle and bustle.

Sit down and list the must-haves for you and your family at Christmas time. If that idea seems insurmountable to you then start by just identifying all the activities you tend to do at this time of year. You will probably be tired just reading what you usually try to accomplish! Then, cross off the list the things that you often wish you had not scheduled for your family. Hopefully, what will be left are the things that create restful and joyful moments for you.

Allow yourself and your family to just soak up the down time and truly spend time doing what matters most. Again, this is not an effort at doing nothing, rather it is an opportunity to spend time doing the things that matter most and are the most rewarding. Instead of having to go out with everyone, pick a night to order in and watch favorite holiday movies or do a family present drawing so that the number of gifts you have to purchase is lower. The joy often comes from being around those you love and not from feeling like you have to go through the holidays by attending every party, sending every Christmas card and getting all the perfect gifts. The pomp and circumstance are not required to have momentous occasions.

In addition to creating more space to unwind for your holiday, you might also find that you enter into the new year with much more zeal and energy than previous years. Try not to let yourself end up frustrated after discovering you need another break from the break. Strive to find a balance as opposed to putting the pressure on yourselves to do it all. Pause and take time to remember the reason for the Season!

Suzanne Stangland MA, LPC

Barnabas Center for Counseling

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Be Present, Be Intentional

