A Lot Did Happen In 3 Days

A lot Did Happen In Three Days….


It’s Friday ….

 Peter is asleep.

Judas has betrayed him. Mary is crying.

Hope is lost. Death has won. Satan is laughing. Jesus is buried.

A soldier stands guard.

A rock is rolled into place.

…but hold on … Sunday is coming.

 This is a popular meme that has been floating around social media for a couple of years. The author is unknown. However, the story is well known. The world at that time must have looked pretty bleak. Jesus was dead, the savior of the world, dead. What was left? Evil. God asked us to have faith. Faith, that he so ever believes in his son will have an everlasting life. For those believers, their faith held strong. A lot happened in three days. Our Jesus was crucified and then he rose on the third day. Alive! Alive! Alive! What a beautiful sight that must have been.

 Death had not won, because our Savior, as according to scriptures, rose and conquered the grave. Hope was not lost, but regained. Hope is such a huge component of mental health balance. Hope is a key element needed for the will to keep on living, striving to do more. God’s grace is abundant and is such a blessing to those who claim it. Grab on to the opportunity to experience eternal life with our father in heaven.

 Easter Sunday, the day that changed the lives of believers everywhere. Jesus freely came to Earth, knowing the outcome and obeyed his father anyway. He understood what he must do to provide life eternal to all that choose it. I encourage you to walk this entire year with the same faith, love and emotion that many of us experience on Easter morning. The stone was rolled away, do not let “it” become an obstacle keeping you from your heavenly father. Become the vehicle that guides others to life that loves and seeks to follow Jesus.

 Stacey Mell Ed.S., APC


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